Daphanie is an anointed musician and psalmist with a lifelong commitment to create a sound that connects heaven and earth. Raised in a musical family, her spiritual and musical upbringing involved opportunities to provide songspiration as a soloist-director-organist-keyboardist in several musical arenas including worship services, school and church choir events, athletic events, and participating as a member of the contemporary gospel singing group H.A.M.P. (He Answers My Prayers). She has been ministering in the anointing of Exaltation and Worship as a Praise and Worship leader since 1998 and God continues to draw her to higher levels in Him. The wife of Minister Wilbert Evans and mother of two teenagers, Daphanie believes a lifestyle of worship is key to maintaining a meaningful relationship with God who is our source and strength and when the saints come together in Corporate Worship, God creates a connection through His presence that transforms and liberates.